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Ski Gloves Children

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Ski Gloves for Children

Are you looking to complete your child's first ski kit? Check out everything we provide under our Children's Ski Gloves section.

When winter comes around, with it comes the excitement of going out to your favourite ski track to have some fun skiing with the kids. The least you could do is protect their soft, gentle hands while at it. If you're looking for some of the best ski gloves to add to your kid's starter kit, you're in the right place.

What are Ski Gloves?

As the name implies, Ski gloves are basically gloves used for skiing. They are warm padded gloves that keep your hands warm and fuzzy while also providing agility. Ski gloves usually come in different types, depending on your preference. There is a wide range of ski gloves with differing flexibility and grip levels.

Skiing is fun, but without good ski gloves, it can easily and quickly become a not-so-pleasant experience for you and your kids. To avoid this, you need to invest in some good ski gloves. Here are some key things to check before picking the best ski gloves for your kids.

Checklist for picking the best ski gloves for kids

Style: Like every other thing you buy, style is important. Whether you're going for the regular gloves or a mitten is solely based on your preference. However, to make the choice easier for you, the least we can do is tell you the difference between them.

Gloves or Mittens?

If your priority is warmth, then a mitten is a great choice. Since the fingers are not separated while wearing mittens, they tend to be warmer. Gloves, however, are better if you prioritize dexterity. To make the right choice, think of your child's outdoor activity. If they will be downhill skiing, where there won't be a need for a lot of hand skill, go for mittens. However, for all-around use, like tying shoe laces, or making snowballs, go with gloves.

Waterproof or Water-Resistant?

There is a fine line between waterproof and water-resistant. Ensure you check the print on the gloves to ascertain whether it is waterproof. With waterproof gloves and mittens, you can rest assured your kids won't get frozen fingers.


You and your kids deserve to experience the snowy and cold winter experience. Here at Addnature, we have some quality ski gloves for kids. You don't have to be scared of their hands freezing and bruising when next you're taking them skiing. Go out there, enjoy yourself, and happy skiing!